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Back in the 80's I was in a band called Soldier Blue back in El Paso, TX. We had a lot of fun, wrote a ton of songs, and probably thought we were much better than we actually were. Somehow I ended up as a CPA working in High Tech and excelling in a Finance career. Go figure. I once remember telling a friend that I would never, never go into business..... Life and God can change you. A wife and four kids later, it is all worth it. I have the best son in the world and three sparkling daughters. Of course I can't leave out the most important part---Jesus. As I've grown to know Him, worship Him, Obey Him, and Trust HIM, He is the most important relationship I have in life.


I thoroughly enjoy a very wet cappuccino breve every morning. I'm a gardener in training. I play a five string Hamer bass with EMG pickups, which was custom made for Gary Moon(look him up). I also play a little jazz on my Fender acoustic.